Armond Willis

Breaking the Barrier: Unleashing the Potential of Athletes through Speed Training

Breaking the Barrier: Unleashing the Potential of Athletes through Speed Training

The importance of speed training for every athlete cannot be overemphasized. Speed is a critical factor in almost every sporting activity, from sprinting races to basketball games and football matches. But, beyond the need to improve your speed, speed training has a more fundamental importance that goes beyond the physical. It may come as a surprise to many, but speed training creates a profound effect on your nervous system. This effect can have a significant impact on the body’s muscle contractile properties, leading to improved strength, power, and endurance properties. This post will explore how speed training can benefit your nervous system and ultimately improve your athletic performance.

The body’s muscle function depends on the ability of the nervous system to send signals to the muscle fibers to contract. As such, your nervous system has a direct impact on your body’s strength, speed, and power. How does speed training come into the picture?

Speed training exercises focus on developing your body’s fast-twitch muscles. Fast-twitch muscles contract at a faster rate than slow-twitch muscles, making them ideal for high-intensity exercises such as sprinting. During speed training, your body’s overreliance on slow-twitch muscles is reduced, and fast-twitch muscle fibers are activated. This change in muscle fiber activation enhances the nervous system’s communication with these muscle fibers to contract, leading to improved strength and power output.

Motor Unit Recruitment

Additionally, speed training can help improve motor unit recruitment. Motor unit recruitment refers to the recruitment of motor neurons and muscle fibers during a muscle contraction.

The more motor neurons recruited during a contraction, the more muscle fibers are activated, resulting in increased strength and power.

Speed training requires high levels of motor unit recruitment, leading to better synchronization between the nervous system and the muscles. This synchronization improves the muscle’s contractile properties, enabling quick, explosive movements required in high-intensity activities like sprinting, jumping, and throwing.

Neuromuscular Efficiency

Speed training enhances the body’s neuromuscular efficiency. Neuromuscular efficiency is the ability of the nervous system to produce a muscle contraction with minimal energy expended, leading to improved performance. Efficient muscle activation helps improve movement patterns, reducing the risk of injury and improving overall athletic performance. Speed training exercises require coordinated movement between the upper and lower body, developing the body’s proprioceptive abilities. This development of the proprioceptive system, responsible for sensing joint position and movement, leads to better movement and coordination during athletic activities, improving your performance.

Metabolic Efficiency

Speed training also impacts the body’s metabolic efficiency. Metabolic efficiency refers to the ability of the body to use substrates efficiently to produce energy for muscle function. A well-developed metabolic system allows athletes to perform better in high-intensity activities over prolonged periods. When you engage in speed training, the body undergoes metabolic adaptations, leading to improvements in the body’s oxidative capacity—a critical factor in endurance activities.


As you can see, speed training should be an integral part of any athlete’s training program. The benefits of speed training go beyond just improving an athlete’s speed and power. Speed training improves motor unit recruitment, neuromuscular efficiency, and metabolic efficiency, resulting in better overall athletic performance.

A well-developed nervous system enhances the muscle’s contractile properties, improves movement patterns, and increases the body’s metabolic efficiency. Athletes at all levels and sport can reap the benefits from speed development. Even athletes in sports that have low volumes of sprinting itself (volleyball, baseball, golf), sprint training will have major carryover because of the internal adaptations. The same holds true even for the adult seeking better fitness.

Observations and Thoughts on the Fitness-Scape in Hungary

Observations and Thoughts on the Fitness-Scape in Hungary

Having lived just over a year in here in Budapest, there are a few consistencies here that I have noticed I strongly believe that not only keep training professionals from reaching their fullest potential, but also their clients the results they deserve.

Now, not EVERY trainer that I have seen falls into the forthcoming categories, but the majority of them do.

It is worth noting objectively, that the behaviors and standards of the local training professional are in part reflective of the culture and standards they may have lived with.

I truly believe that regardless of the country, there are tenets as a training pro that are a constant in creating an IMPACTFUL service that will alter customers well beyond the superficial, and keep them for life.

Here we go:

1.) Be a good human, and be authentic. If you are an asshole, fine. Just be one all of the time so it’s consistent with who you really are[

2.) Be present when you are training your client. When you are on your phone religiously, and not even watching them while they Train, you aren’t worth their time.

3.) It is about (or should be) your client. Not you. Your consistent posts  that highlight your own body, and not the results you get for people could be turning away potential great clients for you.

4.) Training to look like a body builder or “fitness model” is not fitness. Sometimes not even healthy. The majority of people around you want to be fit, but not look like a Scitec advertisement.

5.) The term “functional training” is overused. Stop using it.

6.) Invest time in creating customer service. This is a void that you have a huge opportunity to separate yourself from most other trainers. Don’t view your customers as transactions but as relationships. Make their life better, and make their life easier.

7.) Last but not least, take pride in what you do. Constantly improve and find ways to separate yourself as just a “trainer”. If you are serious, then don’t be a hobbyist, be a training professional. This alone will help you to have a thriving, and self fulfilling business more than any other thing.

The power in these reach beyond these borders and will have a significant impact on any trainer’s business.

Use it Or Lose It: In Season Training

Use it Or Lose It: In Season Training

As an athlete, ensuring you maintain your speed during your sport season is crucial. Doing so will ensure that you maintain peak performance, build endurance and prevent injuries. However, failing to train during your sport season could lead to a decrease in speed, performance, and overall endurance. In this post, we will discuss why it is important to maintain training during your sport season, and what you can do to do so.

Understanding the Importance of Training

Training is the foundation for any athlete, and it is essential to maintain it even during your sport season. When training takes a back seat during your sport season, you are depriving your body of the crucial functions it needs to stay in peak condition. This means that even if you are not actively competing during the season, you must still train to stay on top of your game.

The Consequences of Not Training

If you fail to maintain your training during your sport season, your speed will decrease, and your overall performance will suffer. As a consequence, you will be less effective at your sport, which could lead to a loss in your team’s overall standing and individual accolades. It’s also important to note that not training during your sport season could lead to your body being ill-prepared for the next season, leading to delayed progress.

Maintaining Training During Your Sport Season

To maintain training during your sport season, it is important to work with your coach to design a training program that takes into account your sport season. This will ensure that your training regimen complements your sport season’s practices and games and helps promote overall peak performance.

Additionally, it would be best if you took care not to over-train during your sport season. While maintaining your performance is crucial, over-training could lead to the opposite result, leading to injuries and setbacks.

The Role of Rest and Nutrition

Another vital aspect of maintaining peak performance during your sport season is to take care of your body, which means promoting proper rest and nutrition. Ensure that you get enough sleep each night and maintain a good level of hydration during practices and games. Also, incorporate healthy meals and snacks into your diet to help maintain your overall health as well as recovery.

In conclusion, training throughout the season is an important part of any athlete’s journey. This continuous training is necessary to help you keep the speed, power, and strengths that were acquired during the offseason. Therefore, make sure to stay consistent in your workouts throughout the entire season in order to maintain your edge over opponents. Think about how you felt during your last season; Did you feel you were running slower during your season? Keep solid training principles throughout your season, in order to really maximizes the speed gains made before the season.

Don't Say I Didn't Toe'd You About It: Big Toe Strength for More Power

Don’t Say I Didn’t Toe’d You About It: Big Toe Strength for More Power

Yes I went there for this title. But lets get into it really quickly.

Competitive athletes are always looking for new ways to improve their performance on the field or court. One area that is often overlooked when it comes to improving athletic performance is the strength of the big toe. This small digit can play a crucial role in an athlete’s ability to sprint faster and jump higher. In this blog post, we will dive into the science behind why the big toe matters and discuss some simple exercises that athletes can perform to strengthen this important muscle.

When we run or jump, the big toe plays a critical role in helping to propel our body forward. It acts as a hinge between the foot and the ground and is responsible for generating a significant amount of force. If the big toe is weak, it can limit an athlete’s ability to push off the ground with enough force to accelerate quickly or jump high.

Additionally, studies have shown that athletes with stronger big toes have faster sprint times and higher vertical jump heights than those with weaker toes.

This is because the big toe helps to stabilize the foot and ankle, which can improve an athlete’s ability to transfer force from the lower body to the ground.

So, how can athletes strengthen their big toes? One simple exercise is toe curls. This involves placing a towel on the ground and using the toes to scrunch it up toward the ball of the foot. Another exercise is seated toe raises, where the athlete sits in a chair and lifts their toes off the ground, holding for a few seconds before lowering back down.

Wearing shoes with a wide toe box can also help to improve big toe strength as it allows the toes to splay out and engage the muscles more effectively. Additionally, performing barefoot exercises, such as walking on sand or grass, can help to strengthen the toes and foot muscles.

If you want to be even more intentional, there are plenty of manual exercises that you can do to strengthen your big toe, like placing variable resistance against big toe range of motion using your fingers.

Let’s note that  it’s not just athletes who  benefit from improving big toe strength. ANYONE who engages in regular physical activity, such as gym going, recreational running, walking, BABY boomers, can see improvements in their overall athletic and simple daily performance by focusing on the strength of their big toe.

So, having strong toes can greatly enhance your athletic performance and grant you a competitive edge. From improved running and sprinting form to more powerful push-offs with jumps, even for pitchers, the physical benefits are pretty clear. But how intentional are you about actually training your toes?

If you answered “not really.” Then you can go ahead and join the majority of athletes and coaches who don’t. The positive thing is, is that now you know. Take a few minutes during your next training cycle to begin working out that big toe. Have metrics in place on your speed or jumping beforehand to see how it improves after 8 weeks!

Accelerate Your Sprint Performance: How Focusing on Lower Back Strength Can Make the Difference

Accelerate Your Sprint Performance: How Focusing on Lower Back Strength Can Make the Difference

Speed can be everything for competitive athletes, particularly those in year-round sports. Sprinting is an essential, yet trainable skill for athletes that compete in a variety of sports, such as track, football, soccer, lacrosse, and basketball to name a few. An athlete’s sprint speed can be the difference between scoring the winning goal or getting beat to the goal. One often overlooked component of increasing speed is lower back strength and its vital role in helping to produce high speeds. Since a weak lower back can compromise an athlete’s ability to sprint at their fullest potential, it’s essential that athletes allocate the time necessary to strengthen it. In this blog post, we will explore why having a strong low back is crucial for improving sprinting speed, and one of our favorite exercises to use to help build that strength.


Importance of the Low Back in Sprinting

The low back is responsible for essential functions in the sprinting movement. When an athlete sprints, the back muscles contract isometrically, helping to not only maintain posture, but provide stability as the extremities go through the necessary motions. A low back that can not maintain the strength necessary to withstand the sprint forces can compromise posture, causing inefficient mechanics, and expend unnecessary energy. Not only this, a weaker lower back can increase the risk of injury because it does not have a high enough threshold to accommodate those same sprint forces, putting the muscles and joints around it at risk as they would now have to bear the loads.

Core Stability

The lower back is a key contributor to core stability. Stability in this sense refers to the core’s ability to resist movement despite the forces being placed upon it throughout dynamic movement. The more stable the core is, then the better able it will be to generate and transfer forces deposited by the lower body during extreme movements. It is also worth noting the heavy rotational aspect the occurs at the trunk during sprinting.

The arm action (rapid extension and flexion originating at the shoulder joint), causes the torso to rotate along the spine. During a sprint, the core is literally violently twisting, stopping, and twisting in the opposite direction over and over again. And just as important as it is for the core to be able to generate rotation during a sprint, it is just as important for it to be able to stop and redirect that twisting, over and over again.

The lower back play a crucial role not only in facilitating this pattern but doing so while keeping the torso upright during this movement.

Reduction of the Risk of Injury

Sprinting is one of the most taxing activities that the body can undergo. The forces place an extreme demand on the joints and muscles. As mentioned before, a stronger low back will reduce the loads placed on other muscles involved in sprinting, such as the hamstrings and hip flexors; two commonly injured muscles caused by sprinting.

A low back unable to sustain the demand placed on it can cause the hamstrings to work harder than necessary, and fatigue more quickly. This creates the conditions for them to get strained and or “feel tight”.

Training Strategies

While there are a plethora of exercises available to increase low back strength, generalizing them to every single athlete may not be the best way to do so.

Yes. Low back strengthening in principle should be apart of every athletes’ training regimen, as the benefits are across the board for any sport. However, exercise prescription should always be based on each individual athlete’s condition, biomechanics, and what they have available.

Key concepts to understand are the movements the low back contributes to (extension, flexion, and side bending to a degree, and rotation), and the three phases of movement; eccentric, isometric, and concentric.

So rather than just assigning “deadlifts”, and back extensions for the sake of it, make sure to include tempos to target the specific phases of movement of the low back. For example, eccentric strengthening of the low back will help it’s ability to tolerate more loading, while isometric strengthening will help it to maintain its strength integrity against resistance.

Absolutely, exercises like deadlifts, and back extensions, squats, etc have their place and can be of extreme benefit, but it’s deeper than just the exercise, and more about the intent. Simple resistant bands, sleds, dumbbells, and other implements can be just as effective as the aforementioned exercises.

Sled variations like the resisted back walk we utilize heavily for strengthening and prepping for linear speed days.


A strong lower back is essential for improving an athlete’s sprinting speed. It helps maintain posture, improves core stability, reduces the risk of injury, and improves sprint posture integrity. For high school athletes and their coaches, a comprehensive strength training program that includes lower back exercises, should always be included. Parents of athletes should be vigilant that their child’s training program includes lower back exercises to minimize any potential risks for developing problems with their lower back later on, and truly maximizing their speed potential. When it comes to developing speed, a strong lower back is a key component of any athlete’s training program. No it is not the flashiest and most talked about strategy when it comes to speed training, however the results are undeniable, yet unfortunately overlooked.

Core Crusaders: How Focusing on Core Training Revolutionizes Overhead Athletic Performance

Core Crusaders: How Focusing on Core Training Revolutionizes Overhead Athletic Performance

When it comes to sports, especially those that involve a lot of overhead movement, a strong core is essential. It may not be the first muscle group that comes to mind when you hear the term “overhead athlete,” but weak core can have something like a butterfly effect throughout the rest of the kinetic chain, specifically the shoulders for overhead athletes. In this blog post, we’ll talk about the basic functions of the core during movements, and how core integrity, or lack thereof, manifests proximally.


Overhead athletes, such as volleyball players, baseball pitchers, and tennis players, rely heavily on their shoulder muscles for their respective sports. However, if the core muscles are weak and not coupling properly, then the shoulders actually have to work harder to compensate for the lack of strength For example, during rotation, if the trunk rotators are not strong enough past a certain range, then to make up for that reduced range, the shoulder would have to overextend to articulate the desired velocity the athlete is trying to achieve while throwing a ball, or serving a volleyball.


Understanding Core Function


In order to better understand the interaction between the core and the rest of the body, it’s important grasp how the “core” actually functions.


Firstly, the trunk can flex forward, flex laterally, rotate, and extend. Every single muscle in the core is involved in each of these movements to a degree.


It is also important to note the different types of core muscles, and what functions they have:


You have the local stabilizer muscles, which are smaller in size and attach directly to the spine, and you have the global movers, like the transverse abdominals, obliques etc. that create the actual movement.


The role of the stabilizers is to isometrically contract and create rigidness around the spine as movement occurs. If the stabilizers are weak, then this makes it more difficult for the larger muscles to generate the necessary forces for efficient movement, including rotation.


In these instances, this is where overcompensation begins to occur in more proximal areas such as the shoulder.


Not only do the core muscles have to be strong and maintain that strength during rotational movement, but they also have to contract at the correct times during that movement. Weak stabilizers or global movers of the core that can’t contract appropriately will cause disfunction throughout the kinetic chain.


What Does this Mean For Overhead Athletes


For athletes such as volleyball players, softball/baseball, quarterbacks, even swimmers, the implications of a weak core lay the foundation for setbacks in performance. While there definitely needs to be solid strength integrity at and around the shoulder joints, many athletes fail to truly strengthen the core musculature that will ultimately enhance performance, via alleviation of the shoulder joints.


For athletes in sports that involve a good amount of throwing, whether that be throwing a ball, or using a specialized tool to throw a ball such as lacrosse, the trunk becomes crucial in not only generating the power for faster throwing, but also “winding” for the throw, as well as the ability to do it repetitively with quality season after season.


Consider a volleyball athlete gearing up for a serve. The move itself requires jumping, trunk extension, trunk rotation in both directions, extreme shoulder extension, and rapid flexion, all while making sure to time those movements accordingly to hit the ball with maximal power and accuracy.


If the core is not able to withstand the strong forces that occur throughout the motion, then this could potentially overload the shoulder, leading to an overuse, sometimes acute injury.


The body’s answer to weak musculature? Recruiting other muscles to make up for what is needed to deliver the desired goal. A core with strong stabilizers and global movers alleviates the shoulder, as it is now more geared to generate, absorb, and redirect the rotational forces.


Reversal Strength at the Core


A concept that is also overlooked is the demand on the trunk rotators to STOP rotation.


Referencing the volleyball serve once again, the “winding” up portion of that serve represents a rapid rotation in one direction that must be quickly decelerated into the opposite direction. That ability to stop, and absorb a high force, in this case rotational, we can term reversal strength. This is also termed eccentric strength.


Training the core to be strong isometrically at different positions is another crucial component to not just the concentric part (the serve) of the motion, but also the redirection (the wind up). Thus if the core can not sustain the eccentric forces, then output is lower and other areas get recruited.


Training the Core Appropriately for Overhead Athletes


Now that you have a better understanding of the core functions, then training concepts can be more clear. Here are a few things to remember when training the core:


Increase strength through isometric work via each of the core’s movement directions; extension, flexion, rotation. This sets the base for not only strengthening the stabilizers, but also the ability to absorb, redirection, and maintain posture throughout movement. One tool we utilize heavily with our athletes and clients to do this is the Kiro Core Harness.


Just like any other muscle in the body, the core goes through 3 phases of movement ; eccentric, amortization, and concentric. Try working EACH of these into your training routine to maximize throwing potential.


Explore outside of the norm. While sit ups, planks, a bicycles have there place, there are more optimal exercises for “core strength”.


Overall, it’s clear that overhead athletes need a strong core to reduce shoulder injuries and increase rotational ability, leading to better performance. We know that having a strong trunk will lead to not only better shoulder performance, but also overall strength and power increases, which are also important components of any sport.  If you’d like to get started on improving your core strength right away, consider signing up for a free trial session with us! Our team can provide individualized coaching based on your specific needs and abilities so that you can perform at your peak level. Ultimately, having strong core muscles is essential for keeping you healthy and injury-free as an overhead athlete – let us help you reach your fullest athletic potential.

Why Strength Training is Crucial for Athletes During Their Season

Why Strength Training is Crucial for Athletes During Their Season

Being an athlete requires not only physical strength but also mental toughness, and to achieve that, athletes need to undergo physical training. Strength training is a vital aspect of the preparation an athlete needs to undergo before a competition. However, for some athletes, especially high school students, they find it challenging to balance strength training with their regular season schedule. In this post, we will highlight why strength training is crucial for athletes during their season, and how it can improve their performance.

Reduced Injury Risk

Injuries are part of sports, and they can happen to anyone at any time. Athletics require one to be at peak physical condition, and if an athlete is not strong enough, they will be at a higher risk of getting hurt. Strength training helps in building up muscle strength, along with improving flexibility and balance. When an athlete engages in strength training, they can build up their endurance and increase their neuromuscular connections.

Increased Athletic Performance

Strength training is an essential component of athletic training because it helps athletes improve their power, speed, agility, and stamina. Athletes need to be able to move quickly and swiftly on the court or field, and that’s where strength training comes in. When an athlete engages in strength training, their muscles get stronger, and they can perform at a higher level. They can jump higher, run faster, and tackle harder, which is especially important in contact sports like football or rugby.

Mental Toughness

Physical training is just as crucial as mental preparation, and strength training can help with both. Athletes need to be mentally tough to push beyond their limits, and that toughness can be developed through training. The discipline required in strength training teaches athletes how to push through mental and physical barriers and overcome obstacles. Furthermore, strength training helps develop confidence, which is vital in any competitive endeavor.

Better Muscle Recovery

Athletes are typically engaged in year-round sports and competitions leaving little time for rest and recovery. But, if an athlete engages in strength training, their muscles can recover more efficiently after strenuous activity. Additionally, strength training can also help prevent fatigue by building endurance, so athletes can last longer in games.

Future Success

Athletes who strengthen their bodies during their season are not only developing themselves for the present but also creating a foundation for future success. Strength training builds the foundation for continued strength gains and helps prevent injury in the future. By incorporating strength training into their routine, athletes can build the foundation they need for successful college and even professional athletic careers.


Strength training during the season is an essential part of an athlete’s development and should never be sidelined. Not only can it boost performance, but also help to prevent injuries and improve overall physical health. Although there may be obstacles that make strength training difficult, such as a hectic schedule, finding an approachable and understanding athletic trainer who can design a program to fit your schedule will make all the difference in helping you stay healthy and achieve peak performance. And remember: if you are ever uncertain about how to go about strength training for your sport, don’t hesitate to reach out for expert advice–we offer free trail sessions here at Willis Performance Training so you can try the program before committing! With dedication and a well-structured strength training program, athletes can expect amazing results that will strengthen both their bodies and minds.

if you are that athlete who really wants to gain a competitive edge during your season and would like to experience how we help athletes improve their performance year round, fill the form below for your complimentary session:



Rebuild and Renew: Taking Control of Your Life after Divorce

Rebuild and Renew: Taking Control of Your Life after Divorce

Empower Yourself: Why Divorced Women in Their Mid 40s and Above Should Try Strength Training


Divorce can be a tough experience for anyone, especially women, who may find themselves overwhelmed and lost in the wake of the emotional, financial, and physical tolls of divorce. But don’t despair—one thing that is for sure to help? Strength Training.


Strength training is an empowering way for divorced women in their mid 40s and above to regain their strength, confidence, and well-being. We are going to explore a few reasons why strength training is the essential ingredient for empowerment post divorce.


Builds Physical Strength


Strength training helps build muscle mass, which is crucial for women as they age. As we get older, our muscles start to deteriorate, presenting many health challenges. However, by strength training, you can avoid and even reverse this muscle loss, maintaining your independence and mobility as you age.


It is not difficult to undermine your OWN physical needs as you go through the emotional challenges of divorce, and neglect your own strength. And while you might not be able to control every aspect of the divorce process, you will always have the ability to directly control how strong you are physically, even if you only set aside just 15 minutes per day to invest.


It is no secret that stress caused from divorce can cause you to feel weaker and older than you really are. However, devoting the time to building your physical strength will help you take control of how you feel and look throughout the process.


Increases Self-Confidence


Strength training has been shown to have an enormous impact on self-confidence. When we set goals and reach them, we build a sense of control over our lives. That feeling of control can be incredibly empowering for those who are feeling vulnerable after a divorce. Additionally, seeing the physical changes in our bodies provides us with tangible evidence that we are capable and resilient human beings. Strength training can help you to recognize and trust that capability, providing an invaluable boost to your self-confidence. This can be especially important if there are children involved in the divorce, as being able to provide a sense of security for them is key. With strength training, you’ll be able to confidently move forward into this new chapter of life.


Sometimes we forget what going through a divorce can do TO our self-esteem. Strength training then becomes the ultimate opportunity to do something FOR your self-esteem.


Improves Mental Health


When you train your body, you’re also training your mind. Strength training increases levels of endorphins, which help improve mood and decrease stress levels. This is especially important during particularly difficult times like post-divorce when many women struggle with depression or anxiety. Exercise helps to keep these feelings in check while also providing an outlet for any built-up emotions and frustrations. It can also play an important role in preventing future mental health issues by fostering positive coping skills.


The emotional scarring that comes from going through a divorce can sometimes be a catalyst to develop more emotional resilience. Even though a divorce is not a life event anyone expects, let alone wants to go through at the outset of your marriage, it inevitably impacts your mental health. Strength training in turn can become not only your safe place to build up your body physically, but also keep your mental health in check.

A Sense of Community


There is a reason why most rehab programs include small group meeting to help victims ease back into society. Group support.


While divorce does not mean rehab by any means, you can benefit from being around other women who have gone through, or are going through similar experiences.


Strength training offers an opportunity to connect with others who share similar interests and goals. Joining a strength training program or gym provides a supportive community instantly. You can find other women who have gone through a similar experience and build new friendships. Having the support of other strong-minded individuals can make a world of difference in feeling empowered and confident about yourself. Research has proven consistently that working alongside likeminded individuals will help to keep you motivated and accountable to your goals. Trust the power of community.



Strength training is an excellent way for divorced women to take control of their health, well-being, and confidence. It offers physical, mental, and social benefits that’ll help you navigate the challenges that come with divorce. Never forget that you’re stronger than you think, and strength training helps you unleash that inner strength to transform your life remarkably. Empower yourself today.

Power Up Your Workout: The Science Behind Music and Exercise 🎧🏋️‍♂️

Power Up Your Workout: The Science Behind Music and Exercise 🎧🏋️‍♂️

If you are an athlete looking to truly get the most out of your workout, then you should definitely have a good playlist on deck. Listening to music can have a huge impact on how you train, improving performance and providing motivation and eliminating distraction.


Fast Pace. High Intensity


The research has proven that listening to fast-paced, upbeat music while exercising can increase physical performance. So Spice Girls maybe? Hm.


This can be because it allows athletes to maintain a higher level of intensity for a longer period of time and reduce perceived exertion. Music has also been shown to increase an athlete’s overall endurance during cardio activities, and help with coordination during strength training or other physical activities. I think Janet Jackson coined the phrase, “We are a part of a rhythm nation.”


In addition to improving physical performance, listening to music while working out also has psychological benefits. It can be a great source of motivation and distraction during long or difficult workouts. This can be especially true at the box gym that you go to that blasts undesirable music throughout the gym.


The Zone


What else? Music can help you stay in the zone, providing an enjoyable and energizing atmosphere for pushing yourself further than before. More deeply, the right music has the power to transport you away from the humdrum of everyday life and into a realm of pure focus on your workout goals. Like an escape –


Music has the ability to elevate your mood before, during, and after a workout. Listening to upbeat music can help you feel energized while slow and calming tunes can relax your mind and body prior to exercising (Lil Jon verses Sade). Being in a positive state of mind is beneficial for physical performance as well as mental wellbeing. It’s also important to find music that motivates you, as this can keep your workouts from getting stale and boring.


Choose Wisely


Choosing the right type of music for working out is important depending on the activity. For high intensity training like weightlifting or HIIT, faster tempo songs with motivating lyrics will help boost energy levels. On the other hand, relaxing tunes with slower tempos are better suited for activities such as yoga or stretching. For intense resistance training days, I typically listen to hard core underground hip hop, but on occasion will slip in some R and B for a different type of vibe.


More interestingly, music with slower tempos has been shown to lower heart rates while faster tempo songs tend to increase them. This suggests it’s probably a better idea to switch the music tempo post workout to help reduce heart rate back to normal.


All in all, its evident that listening to music during a workout has multiple benefits. Not only does it help motivate you to keep going and even push yourself harder, but it also improves focus and increases enjoyment. What’s more, incorporating different kinds of music into your exercise routine provides variety and prevents boredom. So don’t be afraid to experiment with different genres and find what works for you! I mean after all, the right motivating soundtrack can make a big difference in your overall workout experience. Now is the perfect time to switch up your regular playlist – so why don’t you give it a go? Tell us: what kind of music do you listen to while you workout?

Get Ready for Liftoff: Strengthening Your Core for Lifting Success

Get Ready for Liftoff: Strengthening Your Core for Lifting Success

It’s no secret that having a strong core can improve your overall athleticism and performance.

Proximal stiffness, the ability for your body to create tension throughout its midsection, is key to distal mobility – the ability of your extremities to move freely without restriction. This means that in order to maximize efficiency and power output from your limbs, you need to have a strong core.

This is especially true when it comes to performing the bench press. A strong core serves as a foundation for your upper body, allowing you to keep your torso rigid and stable during each pull-up or push-down of the barbell. This ensures that all the force generated is transferred directly from your arms shoulders to the barbell, rather than being absorbed by a weak core or lost through poor form.

A strong core also ensures that you are able to maintain good posture while benching, allowing you to use less energy as you press. This is especially important when it comes to maintaining an arched back position throughout the lift;

having a strong core will allow you to stay in this position without straining or losing tension in your midsection.


How a Stronger Core Stabilizes You While Pressing Weight

When performing a bench press, your core muscles are activated in order to stabilize you while lifting the weight. This stabilization helps you to generate the necessary force throughout the extremities to press the weight. Without an efficient core strength, the force generated by your arms and chest will not be transferred as efficiently to the weight, reducing your ability to press a heavier weight.

Having a weak or deconditioned core can compromise the function, form, and intent of upper extremities during the bench press.

Weaker core muscles can also lead to poor form and spinal misalignment, which puts you at risk of shoulder pain and injury. During a proper bench press, your core muscles work to stabilize the spine and pelvis which prevents excessive strain on the shoulders when lifting heavy weights. This reduces the risk of associated shoulder injuries and helps you achieve your desired results from the exercise.

Boost Your Bench Press with Core Activation: Anchor and Prevent Excessive Rotation for Optimal Performance

Anchoring refers to how well your body is able to remain stable throughout the movement, and rotation refers to how well you are able to move your arms in a circular motion around the spine. By strengthening your core muscles and improving spinal stability, you will be able to raise the strength threshold of the anti rotational and anchoring movement at the trunk, and potentially increase the strength of your bench press.

A very effective tool that we heavily utilize at WPT is the Kiro Core Harness which is a specialized harness that allows you to work the core at variable levels of resistance in oblique planes of motion. This allows us to work both the local and global stabilizers of the trunk and spine, hip, and shoulder to increase distal mobility.

As you can see, having a strong core is essential for increasing your bench press and improving overall athleticism. While basic Core exercises such as planks and Russian twists are ok for building strength in this area, when done appropriately, there are more effective measures to really enhance true core strength, so it’s important to make sure you also keep up with other forms of exercise to ensure you have complete fitness. It’s only when all aspects of physical fitness come together that you can reach your full potential as an athlete!

And if you need some extra coaching breaking past your plateau, message us INTERESTED to 770-629-9577 for a free consult and trial session with us.