Armond Willis

THE TORQUED PODCAST: Proactivate Your Recruiting Process

THE TORQUED PODCAST: Proactivate Your Recruiting Process

It can feel like a lonely. You are not getting the collegiate looks that you feel you deserve, and the clock is running.


This means its time to take action and be proactive.

If you are that unsigned athlete who feels you have what it takes to play collegiately, but the recruiting is going slow, take a listen in our latest short epsiode.

Thrive in The Heat: Electrolytes

Thrive in The Heat: Electrolytes

Electrolyte supplementation for Athletes Training in Humidity

It’s summertime and many athletes are beginning their training regimens, but when it comes to competing in the heat and humidity of the season, adequate hydration is essential for athleticism and performance. While traditional water intake may not be enough to replace lost electrolytes from sweat during some activities, there is an easy way to supplement your body with all-natural solutions like electrolyte formula. This post will discuss how proper hydration through supplementation helps athletic performance in hot climates to ensure both safety and entertaining performances over the course of a season.

What is electrolyte supplementation and how does it help athletes training in high heat and humidity

Electrolyte supplementation is a crucial aspect of training for athletes who perform in high heat and humidity. These conditions can cause the body to lose fluids, which in turn can lead to dehydration, fatigue, and even heat stroke. Electrolytes, such as sodium, magnesium, and potassium, play a vital role in maintaining fluid balance in the body. By supplementing with electrolyte-rich fluids or tablets, athletes can replenish the ions lost through sweat and maintain proper hydration levels. This can improve overall performance, as well as reduce the risk of heat-related illnesses. It’s important for athletes to find a balance in electrolyte supplementation, as too much can lead to unwanted side effects. Working with a nutritionist or sports medicine professional can help athletes determine their individual electrolyte needs for optimal performance in hot and humid conditions.

Why electrolyte formula is important for athletes

As athletes participate in high-intensity workouts and endurance training, their bodies lose valuable minerals called electrolytes through sweat. Electrolyte formula is crucial for athletes to replenish these lost minerals and maintain proper hydration levels. This formula typically includes key electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium, which help regulate important bodily functions. Without proper electrolyte balance, athletes may experience muscle cramps, fatigue, and decreased performance. It is important for athletes to incorporate electrolyte formula into their training regimen to ensure they are maintaining optimal health and achieving their athletic goals.

Benefits of electrolyte formula for athletes such as improved performance, hydration, and recovery

As an athlete, performing at your peak level is crucial in achieving success. With the help of an electrolyte formula, you can improve your performance by ensuring that your body is properly hydrated and the necessary minerals are being replenished. Electrolyte formulas are designed to quickly and efficiently replace lost fluids and minerals during intense physical activity. Additionally, they aid in the recovery process, allowing your muscles to bounce back quickly after a strenuous workout. The benefits of using an electrolyte formula are clear, and for any athlete looking to enhance their performance, hydration, and recovery, it’s a no-brainer inclusion in their routine.

How to use electrolyte formula correctly

Proper electrolyte balance is crucial for maintaining a healthy body, especially for those who engage in physical activities or have experienced dehydration from illnesses like vomiting or diarrhea. Electrolyte formulas offer a quick and easy way to replenish the essential minerals lost from sweating or other bodily fluids. However, using electrolyte formulas correctly is just as important as choosing the right one. It’s essential to follow the instructions on the label and avoid overconsumption. It’s also vital to stay hydrated by drinking water along with the formula. Consulting with a healthcare professional can provide more guidance on how to use electrolyte formulas effectively to support your active lifestyle and overall well-being.

Tips for choosing the right formula for your needs

Choosing the right formula for your needs is a crucial step in ensuring optimal health and well-being. With so many different options on the market, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Luckily, by following a few simple tips, you can select the perfect formula tailored to your specific needs. It’s important to first consider any dietary restrictions or sensitivities you may have, as well as your lifestyle and level of physical activity. Additionally, researching the ingredients and nutritional information of various formulas can help you make an informed decision. By taking your time, assessing your needs, and doing your research, you’ll be able to choose a formula that supports your health and wellness goals.

Common mistakes to avoid when taking electrolyte supplements

Electrolyte supplements have been gaining popularity as people become more health-conscious. However, there are common mistakes that people make when taking these supplements that may negate their benefits. Some of the mistakes include taking too much, not reading the label, or not drinking enough water. It is important to understand that electrolyte supplements are meant to supplement a balanced diet and not replace it. Additionally, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure that you are taking the right supplement and in the proper amounts. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can safely and effectively reap the benefits of electrolyte supplements.


In summary, electrolyte supplementation can be incredibly effective for athletes training in hot and humid climates. It is important to be aware of the benefits it provides and take the time to properly research and choose an electrolyte formula that meets your specific needs. With a good electrolyte supplement formulated for athletes like you, you can improve your performance, stay hydrated, and accelerate your recovery. Additionally, take care to avoid common pitfalls like overloading on electrolytes or choosing a formula that’s too weak or strong. Remember, proper hydration is key to your continued success as an athlete!

Artificial Intelligence in Fitness: Pros and Cons

Artificial Intelligence in Fitness: Pros and Cons

As technology continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, artificial intelligence is making its way into every aspect of our lives. One of the areas where AI is becoming increasingly popular is fitness training. AI-powered fitness apps and devices are advancing and in a way, transforming the way we work out, providing “personalized” coaching, tracking progress, and even the ability to create “custom” workout plans.

However, like any other technology, AI comes with its own set of pros and cons. Here are 3 of each:


1. Personalization

AI fitness training offers a personalized workout experience that sometimes cannot be achieved with traditional training methods. Depending on the program AI technology can analyze individual data, such as the user’s fitness level, health history, and current goals. This data is then used to create a custom workout plan that takes into account the user’s unique needs and preferences. Personalization is essential because it maximizes the effectiveness of the workout and minimizes the risk of injury.

Earlier versions of training apps would typically be cookie cutter templates that were then applied to every user. Certain AI platforms are truly able to customize the experience through specific user data and make it unique to the individual.

The American Council on Exercise suggests that “87% of personal trainers believe that personalization is essential to achieving fitness goals.” AI-powered fitness apps can provide that same level of personalization at a fraction of the cost of hiring a personal trainer.

2. Accuracy

Unlike human trainers, AI algorithms are incredibly accurate, can track, and analyze data down to the smallest detail. AI-powered fitness devices can monitor key body metrics such as heart rate, number of steps taken, and calories burned, providing valuable insights that can help users optimize their workouts. The accuracy of AI algorithms can help users identify areas where they need to improve and track their progress effectively.

Depending on which metrics are the most relative to your goals, this can be pivotal in helping you understand, assess, and crush your goals.

3.) Price point

AI is becoming highly intelligent, and also very affordable. I mean like $4 per month affordable. And let me be real, I have seen some trainers put together B.S. programs for undeserving people. In these cases, AI is the better option. Especially if it saves your wasted time and money.

Some of these apps are literally less than $5 per month to use, and truly personalize every aspect of the training experience…or DO they?


1. Lack of human interaction

This is an obvious one.  One of the main drawbacks of AI fitness training is the lack of human interaction. Most people still prefer human interaction, and the motivation that comes from having a coach push them to their limits. While AI can provide personalized training plans, it cannot replicate the relationship between a human coach and a client. This lack of interaction could be particularly challenging for beginners who may need more guidance and support.

This is a human element that, in my opinion, can never be replaced. What this will do however is challenge the true trainers to become experts in their craft and interpersonal skills, something that is very asymptotic for artificial intelligence to do for now.

And at the end of the day, client rarely buy a service. They buy people. Personality matters. This is something that AI would have a tough time replicating.

2. Data privacy concerns

AI-powered fitness devices collect vast amounts of data about the user’s health and fitness level. This data is stored and analyzed by third-party companies, raising concerns about data privacy and security. Many users are not aware of what happens to their data once it is collected, and some users may not be comfortable with their health data being stored by a third-party company.

Depending on whose hands the data ends up in, this can be a concern for a good amount of people.

3.) Lacks TRUE customization.

While these different apps do offer personal touch to its users, when it boils down to it, the exercises and types don’t offer a true variety.

Just from glancing over a few of the programs, they each prescribe the same type of exercises, yet say that it customized.  This is an indication that these AI’s still have a while to go before they really go in to exercise biomechanics, which is the REAL area where someone’s individual performance and fitness potential can be realized.

In other words, prescribing push ups, burpees, and jumping jacks can only go so far.

So Final thoughts?

I think AI-powered fitness training offers numerous benefits but comes with some drawbacks. Heck, AI in general has plenty of beneficial applications. Personalization and extreme accuracy are two significant advantages, while the lack of human interaction, true personalization, and data privacy concerns are three potential drawbacks.

Ultimately, Ai in fitness can help numerous people, especially those with smaller budgets just looking for a structured program, and still seek intelligent training.

However, nothing beats the human eye and the personal interaction component . But who knows, maybe this was article was written by Ai (robotic evil laugh).

3 Ways Wrist strengthening will improve golf Game

3 Ways Wrist strengthening will improve golf Game


One of the subtle strength nuances often NOT thought of in terms of improving your golf swing is wrist strength. And no not for just firm handshakes after closing that deal at the country club.

Breaking down the swing, your wrists play a pivotal role in club face control, which determines the direction and distance of the ball. Strengthening your wrists can improve your swings, providing better accuracy and greater prowess. In this article, we’ll delve into 3 ways wrist strengthening can improve golf performance.

1. Enhanced wrist stability:

Golf swings require a consistent and stable “hinge” of the wrists. Building wrist strength will result in increased stability and thus a higher club head speed, allowing for longer shots. When your wrists are stronger, you’ll be less likely to mishit the ball, and you’ll be able to put sustained power behind the swing, delivering consistent results.

2. Improved Shot control:

A stronger grip can help control the club face better, which is responsible for the impact angle and the direction of the ball. Your wrists will have greater control over clubface rotation, allowing you to work the ball more effectively. This can improve your game in general, but especially useful in tricky situations where you need to recover from a bad shot or play into or out of the wind.

3. Reduced Risk of Injury:

Repetitive golf swings can cause wear and tear on your joints, leading to various wrist injuries. Strengthening exercises can improve flexibility, endurance, and blood flow to the affected area, keeping your wrists resilient and reducing the risk of strains, sprains, and fractures. Additionally, building your wrist muscles can help prevent golf-related injuries that typically result from weak wrists, such as Elbow tendonitis, Golfer’s elbow, and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Summing things up, wrist strengthening is a vital aspect of a professional or aspiring golfer’s game. Building your wrist muscles through targeted exercises like resistance bands, wrist curls, or isometric squeezes will improve shot control, stability, and significantly reduce the risk of injury. A good wrist strengthening program should be part of any golfer’s practice routine, and with patience and persistence, you’ll notice improved performance on the green.

3 Reasons to consider taking an Electrolyte Powder during training

3 Reasons to consider taking an Electrolyte Powder during training

Electrolyte powders are nutritional supplements that have become increasingly popular among athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

These powders are typically made with a combination of minerals and electrolytes that help to replenish the body’s natural supply of these nutrients during or after intense physical activity. In this article, we will look at three reasons why you should consider taking an electrolyte powder during training.

1. Improved Hydration

One of the primary functions of electrolytes in the body is to regulate fluid balance. Specifically, they help to maintain the concentration of fluids in and outside of cells, which is essential for proper hydration.

During intense physical activity, our bodies lose fluids through sweating, which can lead to dehydration. By taking an electrolyte powder, you can help to replace the fluids and electrolytes lost during your workout, which will improve your overall hydration status.

2. Increased Endurance

In addition to improving hydration, electrolytes can also aid in increasing endurance levels. This is because they play a vital role in the contraction and relaxation of muscles, and can help to prevent cramping and fatigue during exercise. By taking an electrolyte powder before or during your workout, you can help to maintain optimal levels of these essential nutrients, which will improve your overall endurance and help you to push through those tough workouts.

3. Better Recovery

Finally, electrolyte powders can also aid in post-workout recovery. After intense exercise, our bodies need to quickly replenish the nutrients and fluids that were lost during the workout. By consuming an electrolyte powder immediately after your workout, you can help to speed up the recovery process and reduce post-workout muscle soreness.

In conclusion, electrolyte powders have become an essential part of many athletes and fitness enthusiasts’ supplemental regimen. They offer a variety of benefits, including improved hydration, increased endurance, and better recovery. So, the next time you hit the gym, be sure to consider adding an electrolyte powder to your post-workout routine.

Willis Performance Labs Ion Select Electrolyte Formula is a good option if you are in need of a reliable supplement to help you recover!

How Physical Injury Mentally Affects Athletes

How Physical Injury Mentally Affects Athletes

How a Physical Injury Mentally Affects Athletes

As athletes, we often think of physical injuries as only affecting our physical abilities. However, it is important to recognize the significant impact that physical injuries can have on an athlete’s mental health. Whether it is a minor sprain or a major injury requiring surgery, physical injuries can take a toll on an athlete’s well-being, both on and off the field.

One of the primary ways in which physical injuries can affect an athlete’s mental health is through the experience of pain. Pain can be debilitating, affecting an athlete’s ability to perform, concentrate, and stay positive. The constant pain and discomfort can lead to decreased motivation, social withdrawal, and even depression.

According to a study by the University of California, San Francisco, about one-third of athletes who suffer from sports-related injuries experience symptoms of depression and anxiety, which can lead to missed practices, games, and other important events. This can be particularly difficult for athletes who have been identified as high achievers or role models and who are used to performing at a high level.

Another way in which physical injuries can affect an athlete’s mental health is through the loss of identity associated with not being able to participate in their sport. For many athletes, their sport is a part of their identity, and it can be difficult to adjust to life without it. Injuries can force athletes to take a break from training or competition, and this can lead to feelings of helplessness, frustration, and fear about the future.

In addition to the loss of identity, athletes may also experience a sense of isolation and loneliness as a result of their injury. They may be temporarily excluded from practices, games, and social events, and this can lead to feelings of disconnection from their team and support system. Athletes may also experience a sense of guilt or shame for letting down their team, coaches, or themselves.

To cope with these challenges, athletes may turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as alcohol, drugs, or overeating. It is important for coaches and medical professionals to recognize the potential for these negative coping mechanisms and to provide athletes with appropriate support and resources.

Furthermore, injuries can also lead to performance anxiety and fear of reinjury. Athletes may become nervous about returning to their sport out of fear of getting hurt again. This can be particularly difficult for athletes who have suffered recurring injuries or who have experienced a traumatic injury in the past.

It is important for athletes to receive proper medical care and rehabilitation to help ease their concerns about returning to their sport. This may include psychological support to help them manage their anxiety and fears about reinjury.

The mental health impact of physical injuries for athletes has been recognized as a serious issue in recent years. Sports organizations and medical professionals have taken steps to address this issue by providing athletes with support and resources such as counseling, rehabilitation, and education about healthy coping mechanisms.

It is important for athletes to prioritize their mental health alongside their physical health. Injuries can be a frustrating and challenging experience, but with the right support and resources, athletes can work toward healing both their bodies and their minds.

In conclusion, physical injuries can have a significant impact on an athlete’s mental health.

Pain, loss of identity, isolation, and fear of reinjury are just a few of the challenges that athletes may face when dealing with an injury.

It is important for athletes to seek appropriate support and resources to help manage their mental health during the recovery process.

Top 3 Reasons Soccer Athletes Should Strength Train

Top 3 Reasons Soccer Athletes Should Strength Train

Soccer is a physically demanding sport that requires a combination of skill, endurance, and strength. While many soccer athletes focus on honing their skills and improving their endurance, strength training is often overlooked.

However, incorporating strength training into a soccer athlete’s training regimen can have numerous benefits. In this article, we will discuss the top three reasons why soccer athletes should strength train.

1. Injury Prevention

Injury prevention is one of the most important benefits of strength training for soccer athletes. Soccer players are at high risk of experiencing injuries, particularly to the lower body.

These injuries can often be attributed to weak muscles and poor muscle balance. By incorporating strength training into their training regimen, soccer athletes can improve their muscle strength and balance, reducing the risk of injury.

According to a study published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine, soccer players who participated in a strength training program experienced a significant reduction in injury rates compared to those who did not participate.

2. Improved Performance

Strength training can also help soccer athletes improve their on-field performance. Soccer requires explosive movements, such as sprinting, jumping, and kicking.

By improving their muscular strength and power through strength training, soccer athletes can improve their ability to perform these explosive movements.

Additionally, strength training can improve a soccer athlete\’s balance, agility, and coordination, all of which are crucial for successful performance on the field.

3. Physical and Mental Endurance

Finally, strength training can help soccer athletes improve their physical and mental endurance. Soccer requires a high level of cardiovascular endurance, but strength training can also help improve muscular endurance.

By challenging their muscles with strength training exercises, soccer athletes can increase their endurance and recover more quickly between bouts of intense exercise. Additionally, strength training can improve mental endurance by increasing a player’s confidence and reducing fatigue.

In conclusion, strength training is a crucial component of any soccer athlete’s training regimen. In addition to its injury prevention benefits, strength training can improve performance, endurance and overall health.

By incorporating strength training into their training regimen, soccer athletes can improve their on-field performance, reduce the risk of injury, and improve their overall physical and mental health.


– AAAI. (2018). The Importance of Strength Training for Soccer Players. American Academy of Athletics Instructors.
– Behm, D. G., Young, J. D., Whitten, J. H., Reid, J. C., & Quigley, P. J. (1994). Effects of resistance training on passive and active stretch responses. Journal of Sports Sciences, 12(5), 449-458.
– Petersen, J., Thorborg, K., Nielsen, M. B., Budtz-Jørgensen, E., & Hölmich, P. (2011). Preventative Effect of Eccentric Training on Acute Hamstring Injuries in Men\’s Soccer. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 39(11), 2296–2303.

What is an N.S.V. (A Fitness Reward You Never Hear About)

What is an N.S.V. (A Fitness Reward You Never Hear About)

Congrats to you if you have ever experienced any of the following after committing to an exercise program:

• Better sleep
• Deserved feeling of accomplishment.
• Less depression
• increased strength
• More tone and definition
• Improved appetite
• more energy throughout the day
• More mental clarity
• Less random joint pain for NO reason
• people have paid you more compliments on the way you look
• Better sex drive
• If you are a runner, improved running times
• A new addiction to exercise
• Dropped pant sizes
• Improved blood profiles
• More production throughout the day
• More overall excitement
• Better mood
• less anxiety
• Better work performance
• when your physical therapist says that you are way ahead of schedule

I could actually go further.

There is not ONE person reading this email who would not crave one of these benefits.

And is there anything that you noticed about this list?

ZERO have anything to do with what the scale says.

That’s right.

I call them: Non-Scale Victories or NSVs.

Sometimes we have a tendency to put so much weight on the scale (pun intended, your welcome) that we overlook some of the other significant benefits that come with working out.

If you never lost another pound for a year, but you experienced more than one of the benefits on this list, consider them victories.

We have to look beyond the superficial occasionally to truly reap the rewards of a successful fitness journey.

Celebrate your NSV’s.

Let’s talk.

Which of these would mean the most to you?

– Coach

The Chicken and The Bull Story

The Chicken and The Bull Story

A chicken was one time chatting with a bull.
” It’d be really cool if I could climb up this tree and sit on this branch,
But I don’t have the energy to do it.”
The bull looks at the chicken and said “You can try nibbling on my droppings, and you will get stronger, because its packed with nutrients.”
The chicken didn’t take second to start eating the bulls droppings. And it turns out, the bull was right.
The chicken finally had energy to get to the lowest branch.
The next day, it ate even more droppings and was able to climb up to an even higher branch.
As it got stronger and stronger, the chicken was finally able to get to the highest branch of the tree, and enjoy its accomplishment.
Soon he was spotted by a farmer who mistook it for a wild turkey, and shot it out of the tree.
Bullshit might help you get you to the destination, but it won’t keep you there.
We are now living in a time where there is so much B.S. yanking for our attention, that sometimes it is easier for us to absorb and believe, ONLY because we see it so much, NOT because it is actually true.
Regarding fitness and misinformation this is especially true.
“Try THIS diet for 30 days..
“Do THIS exercise for a summer stomach
“Trust ME because I look good and YOU should look like this
The best thing for you is what YOU can sustain.
While certainly some of the things circulating around can help move you forward, they won’t always help you stay there.
Don’t eat the B.S.