
3 Recovery Supplements to Try After Intense Training

3 Recovery Supplements to Try After Intense Training

I often tell my athletes and clients, that when they hit the gym, you aren’t actually getting stronger WHILE you work out.

You get stronger in the days you rest away from the gym.

This is why, aside from having a legitimate training program to follow, that you have proper recovery strategies in place to really maximize your gains from training.

Whether you are trying to increase your overall strength, get faster, or even just training to get leaner, proper rest and recovery is crucial.

There are multiple aspects to recovery that range from:




-Stress management

And even though EACH of these plays a major role in recovery from strenuous training and or competition, we will highlight 3 Key supplements that can expedite the recovery process and position you to be better primed for your next sessions, and help take you out of a catabolic state.


  • Creatine

Creatine is known to support strength, hypertrophy, and performance for athletes and avid gym goers. However, creatine is also adequate for recovery.

Creatine can enhance fuel replacement, increase post workout protein synthesis, reduce exercise induced muscle damage and inflammation, and stimulate genetic growth factor. It has also been found to reduce delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), prevent reduction in range of motion after heavy lifting, and can accelerate creatine resynthesis in muscles.

Though we normally like to think of creatine as only for the extreme athlete or bodybuilder type individual (or over eager high school gym rats), when taken strategically, it can really accelerate the recovery process for anyone in heavy training.

  • Curcumin

Curcumin is the active ingredient found in the Indian spice turmeric and has been shown to be a natural anti-inflammatory. Curcumin can potentially reduce muscle soreness and inflammation.

One study done on athletes who had done eccentric training when taking 400mg daily of curcumin 2 days prior and 4 days after a high intensity muscle bout, pro-inflammatory markers of muscle damage were reduced by 48 percent. A separate study found that curcumin reduced Delayed Muscle Onset Soreness significantly 24 and 48 hours after high intensity training.

  • Gelatin and Collagen

Collagen is the main building block and protein in bone, tendon, and cartilage. Recent studies have shown that when gelatin is taken in conjunction with Vitamin C, collagen production increased threefold. When taken 1 hour before training and or rehab, and combined with 40-50mg of vitamin C, it doubled the amount of type II collagen.

When 10mg are taken daily, it has also been shown to improve cartilage thickness in the knee, as well as reduce knee pain in athletes, making this a great supplement for those athletes and individuals rehabbing from knee injury. This would also be great for individuals dealing with osteoarthritis.

Though the long term benefits of what collagen can truly yield have yet been discovered, the continuing research looks promising for athletes.


Remember, your recovery is multidimensional. Even though these supplements have been proven to accelerate recovery on a cellular level and get you back primed and ready to perform, supplements should be taken in tandem with other recovery measures like sleep and proper nutrition.

BUT, if you are working out pretty hard, give these a shot.

And if you are really looking to kick your training into the next gear, and accelerate your results with a true expert coach to lay out a training blueprint for you, check out our Virtual Fitness Development program. We customize programs for frustrated gym goers to help streamline results using our mobile training app where you get one on one guidance from a qualified coach, using proven training systems. Schedule a short call HERE with us and see how we can help you get better results!

Make a Plan to Succeed

Make a Plan to Succeed

Have a plan in place.
Research has proven that when we EXPLICITLY formulate a plan for attaining a goal, you are more likely to overcome the obstacles that may arise.
That means if you want to create better conditions to succeed, being intentional with your planning is key.
It will take more than just SAYING you want something and working aimlessly.
In a university study, 2 groups were asked to write a report on how they spent their holiday.
One group was asked to specify how, when, and where they were going to write their report.
The other half was not asked to specify.
Of the participants who made a plan as to when, where, and how they would send in their report, 71 percent sent a report back in to the researchers.
Of the ones who did not create a plan, only 32 percent sent back a report.
Making plans serve as a self regulatory tool, having a profound impact on helping people to achieve their goals.
Make sure to have a plan and strategy in place before setting to pursue ANY type of goal.
YES this ESPECIALLY holds true for health and fitness..
And speaking of following a plan, I’m running a 100 percent virtual training program that is in it’s “pilot” phase.
Currently looking for 5 former collegiate or high school athletes who are now working professionals (corporate, sales, nurse, retail etc) who WANT to drop 5-10 pounds and lean up in the next 60 days!
The going rate will be less than have the planned price.
Just comment “ME” below if interested and Ill reach out with details.

SNACK ATTACK: How to Create Good Snacking Habits Throughout the Day

SNACK ATTACK: How to Create Good Snacking Habits Throughout the Day

Written By Joanna Amstelveen MS,RD, CSSN, LDN

Many of us have seen the Snickers commercial with the signature phrase, “You aren’t you when you’re hungry… grab a Snickers”. Besides being a funny commercial, I think there is some truth to it.

Who do we become when we are hungry? I become impatient, cranky and have trouble focusing, which is not productive. While grabbing a Snickers is not the best choice for a snack, it can be overwhelming to find the ideal snack with so many options available.

A snack is defined by the American Heart Association as something containing less than 210 calories. A lot of foods fit that criteria, but they still might not give you the sustenance you need to get you to your next meal.

Imagine a snack as a bridge to get you from one meal to the next. Ideally, a snack should keep you satisfied for 1-2 hours.

Satisfied, not full.

We are looking for something to get us from one meal to the next without leaving us sluggish, groggy or tired. I would recommend keeping your snacks to 150-200 calories to help you stay within your daily calorie allowance.

There are a few things to look for when choosing your snack.

First, select a snack with as few ingredients as possible. For example, an apple. Simple, just one ingredient.

Second, choose something that has carbohydrates, protein, and fat. At a minimum, choose at least two of the three macronutrients for your snack.

The optimal snack would include all three macronutrients for under 200 calories. This will insure your satiety for the 1-2-hour timeframe. A prime snack example would be an apple with peanut butter. The carbohydrates are contained in the apple, and the peanut butter contains protein and fat.

Peanut butter is considered calorie dense, it has a lot of calories in a small quantity, so limiting your serving to 1 tablespoon is ideal. If you prefer, swap out the peanut butter for a cheese stick to obtain about the same macronutrient profile.

As with most things in life, it is best to plan ahead. If you will be out of the house for extended periods of time pack snacks to take with you to avoid grabbing a Snickers!



Joanna Amstelveen and WPT are partnering to offer a full service solution for clients and athletes to have the elite expertise in training and nutrition to help maximize fitness and performance.

It is safe to say that nutrition plays a vital role in your body composition goals, as well as your performance goals. How you eat, train, and recover are the determining factors for your success.

With so much misinformation out on how to diet, and “what you should be eating”, it is easy to get lost in the noise. Education is key.

This is where Joanna comes in.

A former FIU classmate who currently resides in North Carolina, Joanna’s extensive experience and education in nutrition and sport has helped catapult her into a TRUE nutrition expert and powerful resource.

We will be partnering virtually through the WPT training app where, as well as virtual workshops, blogs, scheduled Q and A sessions for YOU, and extending her services to WPT clients and athletes as needed.

We are very excited about this step and what the future holds.

Joanna Amstelveen bio:

Joanna Amstelveen is originally from Jacksonville Florida where her family still resides. After obtaining her Bachelors of Science Degree in Dietetics and Nutrition from Florida International University in Miami, Florida, Joanna was hand selected for one of two available positions within the United States Air Force Dietetic Internship Consortium. This two-year program provided Joanna with not only her required Dietetic Internship, but allowed her to receive her Masters of Science Degree in Nutrition from Baylor University. Her dietetic internship provided her with a vast range of dietetic experiences while working at Brooke Army Medical Center, San Antonio Texas, the Army’s largest medical center. After her internship, Joanna worked as a Registered Dietitian (RD) at the outpatient clinic and was given the opportunity to run with the Fort Sam Houston Army 10 Miler team in Washington, D.C. As a result of her hard work and dedication, Joanna was later promoted to Assistant Chief of Clinical Nutrition of a 320-bed hospital, where she oversaw 6 civilian and 1 military RD. As her career progressed, she became Flight Commander of the Nutritional Medicine Flight and was responsible for 41 enlisted members and 1 newly commissioned officer.

After Texas, Joanna began working as the Nutrition Program Manager at Spangdahlem Air Base in Germany where she was the only dietitian on base. During this time, Joanna worked with the community to promote healthy eating on base while seeing patients individually. She also completed regular segments on the Air Force Radio to promote nutrition and health. Joanna provided one-on-one counseling, nutrition education and group classes to military members and beneficiaries in the areas of weight loss, weight gain, picky eating, fad diets, performance nutrition, energy drinks and caffeine, and supplements. In February 2018, she passed the exam to obtain her board certification as a sports dietitian. From Germany, Joanna moved with her husband to Fort Bragg, NC where she currently resides.


As an Air Force veteran and Army wife, Joanna has a passion for helping people eat well and feel their best. She opened a private practice in September 2019 to provide individual counseling and group education to children and adults. Joanna provides nutrition education on many topics to include weight loss or gain, child nutrition, vegetarian or vegan nutrition and specializes in performance nutrition as a Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics (CSSD).

Thank you for partnering with us and offering your expertise in nutrition and health.


5 Tips to Help Beat Sugar Cravings (Video)

5 Tips to Help Beat Sugar Cravings (Video)

We all get them at some point (at least us normal people).

You all of a sudden crave chocolate, or that piece of leftover cake, heck maybe even a pack of sour skittles or a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch. Ok that’s me.

Either way it happens, and there are ways to better manage it.

Check out the 5 pieces of advice in this short info video on how you can help to overcome your sugar cravings.



The Kiro Core: A Powerful Tool to Create Better Athletes

The Kiro Core: A Powerful Tool to Create Better Athletes

Chances are, when you think of the words “Core Training” one of the first thoughts that come to mind is sit ups and planks.

Not bad exercises to do to “strengthen” your core, but definitely not the only exercises for “core” training. These focus on just a single aspect of true “core”strength.

On that note, let me briefly explain why I use “” around the word “core”.

Most people link “core” with having a 6-pack, assuming that if you actually have a 6-pack, you must be strong in that area.

On that same token, if you ask 10 people as to what constitutes the core, you may actually get 10 different answers (ok maybe 2-3 answers will be the same), with people mainly insinuating that strong abs equals a strong core.

While the simplicity of seeing abs makes for a convenient answer, the core runs deeper than this and includes an intricate network of muscles that work in sync to create a strong body and movement.

The core moves laterally, flexes and extends forward and backward respectively, and also rotates.

Each of these motions involve more than just abs. They include lower back, hip, glute, obliques, and you can even say quad and hamstrings to an extent.

Hence, when I put “core” in “”, I’m just trying to simplify and use a term commonly used amongst the populace.

In Comes the Kiro Core


Good friends Kika and Roberto Mela of Mela Therapeutics located in South Florida are 2 of the top Sports Therapists in the entire country.

Having extensive experience working with multiple 1st round NFL drafts picks (every year might I add), to elite athletes in the NBA, NHL, MLB, MMA, Tennis, Kika and Roberto are experts in their field, applying precision techniques to recalibrate the body, get muscles innervated and firing correctly, and position athletes to perform at their peak.

Through years of working with elite athletes and clients, the Melas recognized a need in performance world for a versatile tool that could better isolate core motions and apply a dynamic resistance throughout the multiple planes of motion.

The goal was to also be able to train these motions without compromising spinal and joint integrity, and not veer too far from actual human and elite athlete movements, like traditional “core” exercises can sometimes do.

Hence, they invent the Kiro Core Harness.

Designed to specifically provide multiple levels and angles of resistance for the core, and scapula, it pinpoints the angles and movements necessary for true core strength and movement. With sliding rings built in, the different levels of attachment allow increased resistances from several angles.

We use the Kiro Harness for general strength training, speed training, rehab and spinal stability strengthening, football and baseball specific skill development, rotational strength for throwers, core endurance through pulling a sled at various angles to challenge spinal erecters and rotators (as seen in the above image), and also for our “older” population of clients needing to stay strong without overdoing it.

Because the harness is able to engage more muscles while moving in different directions and provide rotational resistance, you are able to create stronger, more efficient movement at the trunk and spine.

For someone coming back from an injury, the harness allows us to train the same muscles used to sprint, without actually sprinting, positioning the athlete for a stronger return to play once medically cleared.

This is actually a great tool if you are a practitioner, chiropractor, or sports therapist looking for a solution for patients to get stronger without overloading the joints.

Below are 5 Kiro Core exercises we use for our athletes and clients.

1.) Trunk Rotation:

The purpose is to Train the back rotator and back extensors. Note her controlled movement. A slower eccentric, isometric, and concentric motion allows for better control and strength. Even though not actually running, we are training the same muscles involved in transferring forces while running. Great for ANY fitness or athletic level.

2.) D Line Get Offs

A more advanced and specific movement here. Applying an anti rotational concept to the defensive end position, creating core resistance while taking off. Very much applicable for this specific athlete as he must bend, turn, and RESIST getting turned all while moving upfield. The intention is to increase the threshold of the rotators in game situations, and increase punching power.


3.) Anti Rotational Split Jumps

Applying the same concept here of resisting rotation, keeping stable at the trunk while performing explosive split jumps. Here there is a focus on the erectors and rotators. While this movement is not specific to a particular sport, there are multiple spors that involve hip separation, rapid deceleration and reacceleration. Training the core to remain stable during such movement allows for more efficient movement into and out of these positions. For this particular drill, there is also an endurance component involved to increase work capacity over time.


4.) Tempo March

Note here the controlled limb speed. The intent here is train single leg strength at the hip, glute, ankle, and knee while resisting rotational forces. In this case we are facing away from the resistance, and targeting more the rotating abdominal. Client here is coming off of 2 knee replacements, and gaining movement integrity is a key goal.

5.) Scapular Elevation

Here the empahsis is to elevate and depress the scapulars of the shoulder. Note that since it is hooked to a single side, we are also working anti rotational forces. Great exercise to strengthen the shoulder for rehab, and also for throwing athletes to better stabilize the shoulder and rotators.

We typically complex these exercises as a part of a strength or power circuit, or perform a Kiro Core Complex to prep the trunk for an intense loaded exercise.


Whether a Lacrosse player, a sprinter, a lacrosse player TRYING to sprint faster, a baseball athlete wanting to increase throwing speed, a basketball athlete, football athlete, a tennis player trying to improve your serve, or just someone wanting to be stronger and reduce pain, the Kiro Core Harness is a great tool to have in your arsenal to help improve theses areas.

With so many intricacies of movement involved in motions that we do on a daily basis, and that athletes do day in and day out, having a way to better specify angles of resistance to increase strength and efficiency of core motion is a game changer.

Great work Kika and Roberto!

32 Quick Things You Should Know About Your Body, Water, and Staying Hyrdated

32 Quick Things You Should Know About Your Body, Water, and Staying Hyrdated

You have probably heard that it is very important to stay hydrated. Whether you exercise strenuously or not, keeping fluid in your body at all times is crucial for your everyday performance and function.

Here are some interesting facts that will give you some insight on some of the roles water plays in AND for your body:

  1.  75% of people are chrinically dehydrated
  2. Humans are made up of about 60% of water
  3. Fat tissues are around 25% water
  4. Brain and Muscle tissue are 75% water
  5. Blood is around 83% water
  6. Eyes are about 95%
  7. Water in the body is responsible for transporting and dissolving substances, temperature regulation, lubricating tissues, starting chemical reactions, provides minerals
  8. We get our fluids from food, drink, and also through our skin
  9. On average we get about 4 cups of water from the food we eat
  10. We crave water after eating something salty
  11. We crave water after drinking alcohol
  12. There is a slight lag time between losing fluid and being thirsty
  13. The average adult needs about 12 cups of water (minus 4 since it comes from food)
  14. Babies and children dehydrate faster than adults
  15. Larger people require more water
  16. If you are sick, you need more water and electrolyte replenishment
  17. If you exercise or train hard, you will need up to 24 cups of water per day
  18. The general rule of thumb for hydration is to drink 30-40 mL of water for every kilogram of body weight
  19. We lose .4-.5 mL of water per kilogram of bodyweight through our skin daily
  20. We lose about .5-2 mL of water per kilogram of bodyweight through sweating during exercise
  21. We lose water through feces and urine
  22. Taking in more water than we are losing is called hyponatremia
  23. Losing as little as .5% of water during exercise puts a strain on the heart
  24. Losing 1% reduces aerobic endurance
  25. Losing 3% reduces muscular endurance
  26. When you’ve reached 4% water loss during exercise, you’ve reduced muscle strength, reduced motor skills, and face heat cramps
  27. 5% water loss you face heat exhaustion, cramping, and fatigue, reduced mental capacity
  28. At 6% water loss, you face physical exhaustion, heat stroke and coma
  29. Anywhere over 10-20%, facing death
  30.  Allergies and asthma can be linked to dehydration
  31. We don’t usually notice thirst until about 1-2% of body water is lost
  32. We lose more water when we eat more protein through urea (byproduct of protein break down) removal.

How much water are you drinking daily?

Food for Thought...and Injury

Food for Thought…and Injury

Injuries happen. It is one of those things in life that is inevitable.

You could be a football player who tears his ACL during a practice, OR you could be corporate employee who blows his ankle out going up the stairs while headed in the office.

It happens.

Now, the obvious thing to do is get the injury medically treated as fast as possible.

You have probably heard of the term R.I.C.E. (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation)?

This strategy is put in place to help the affected area heal more quickly.

Your doctor might give you some meds to take to reduce inflammation depending on how severe the injury, but in the end its about taking measures to ensure that you heal as quickly and efficiently as possible.

But have you ever thought if you should be eating different when overcoming an injury?

One overlooked component to speeding up the healing process of an injury is your diet.

Nutrients play a critical role at the cellular level, and at a point and time where new cells are being formed to help repair damaged tissues, muscles, or ligaments, the production quality of those cells can make a difference in the healing process.

The vitamins, minerals, and proteins from food will help deliver and enhance healing.

With that said, there are 6 things to remember when recovering from an injury, but before delving in, here are 3 stages that happen within the body when an injury occurs:

Step 1: Inflammation.

This is stimulated by the increase of movement of inflammatory and immune chemicals into the injured areas. It is the first step in the process for removing damaged cells. This is the part of the injury process where swelling, pain, redness, and even heat to the affected area occur.

Step 2: Proliferation

In this stage, most of the damaged tissues and cells will have been removed from the injury site, and new blood vessels have developed.

This allows oxygen and nutrients to start getting through again, while proteins like fibroblasts and collagen are laid down to develop new tissues (scar tissue).

The scar tissue will contract and shorten as time goes, ultimately reducing the size of the injury.

Step 3: Remodeling

In this stage, old collagen is slowly removed, new collagen begins to get laid down in its place becoming a permanent part of the new structure.

It’s important to highlight what happens during an injury so you can get a better understanding of what happens at a cellular level and understand that WHAT and HOW you eat can affect it.

Proper eating supports:

-Inflammation control

-Immune function

-Repair and rebuilding

Here are 6 nutritional steps you can take if you are going through a significant injury that will help you heal more efficiently, potentially faster, and come back stronger than before.

1.) Delay taking pain relievers (unless otherwise directed) for 3-5 days after an injury and avoid anti-inflammatories for the first 1-2 days. Medicines like Advil, Ibuprofen, Tylenol and other anti-inflammatory drugs can reduce pain and swelling, but also slow down healing.

2.) Eat more anti-inflammatory fats. The fat can influence recovery and help manage inflammation. Naturally occurring fats like Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, flax, chia, hemp are the most ideal place

3.) Reduce processed carbohydrates. Refined carbs and sugars can increase inflammation and slow down the healing process.

4.) Increase your fruit and vegetable intake. Eat 1-2 servings of each at every meal. Aim for fruits and veggies that are rich in Vitamins A (carrots, sweet potato spinach), Vitamin C (broccoli, oranges, berries, bell pepper), Zinc (mushrooms, spinach, baked beans). Fruits and veggies contain the nutrients that will ultimately get delivered to the new tissues.

5.)Increase protein. Make a super shake to help you get more if you can’t or don’t have the necessary time to prepare the foods that contain it. Make sure if you use a protein powder, that it is high quality and well researched. Here is what I recommend.

6.) Take a multivitamin and mineral support that contains Vitamins A, D, C, copper, and zinc. The Vitamin A supports early inflammation during injury, helps reverse post-injury immune suppression, and aids in collagen formation. Studies have shown that collagen cross linkage is stronger with Vitamin A supplementation and repair is quicker.

As you can see, treating an injury is more than about rest and icing the area (even though it certainly helps if needed). What you eat plays an important role in the healing process, even to the point that if not done well, can slow the process down.

Solid nutrition practice will help not only if you are injury free and need want to be healthy, but also when you are overcoming injury. So parallel to the medical treatment that you undergo for your injury, whether just a small band aid, or a cast post-surgery, make sure to take the nutritional measures necessary to help you come back even stronger.

And if you feel like you aren’t getting the nutrients necessary, or struggle with eating your fruits and vegetables like you should, let’s hop on a short call and see how we can help.


In Season Training: Undervalued and Misunderstood?

In Season Training: Undervalued and Misunderstood?


“The benefits of strength to athletic performance are experienced as long as the neuromuscular system maintains the cellular adaptations induced by training”

There are 3 Phases to an annual cycle for any athlete:

Off season. Pre season. In season.

No matter when the actual season is for the sport, the in season performance is a direct result of preparation during the “off season” and the “pre season”.

Athletes who partake in a well-structured periodized strength program during off season can spend months accruing the required strength and foundation to maximize their performance during the actual season.

However, no matter how long an athlete prepares for the season, research shows that all strength and power gains can start to diminish in a matter of 2 weeks if strength training ceases.

When training stops, the newly developed contractile properties of muscles also start to diminish.

Unfortunately, as the season approaches, there is a significant portion of coaches and parents alike who tend to overlook the importance of strength maintenance mainly because 100% of the focus shifts towards only practice and games.

The bottom line is that a lack of strength training will cause a decrease in performance as the season progresses.

During the early part of the season, while strength training is still in effect, athletes will perform as expected. However a lack thereof of training reduces the muscles ability to powerfully contract, negatively affecting performance as the season progresses.

A Break Down On The Necessity Of Strength

First and foremost, do not confuse “strength” with maxing out everyday in the weight room pushing as much weight as possible.

Muscle has certain contractile properties that can and should be enhanced through proper training methods. Strength is involved in developing these properties and enhancing the nervous system to help fire muscles and improve intramuscular and intermuscular coordination.

In terms of sports where power and or speed, even muscular endurance are involved, strength is the foundation as power is directly proportional to strength. Speed is directly proportional to power. And for sports that involve extended OR intermittent spurts of speed and power, strength is the ultimate determinant.

Increased strength means more applied force, which is a characteristic necessary in the majority of sports.

A solid strength base prepares the body for the demands of the season.

And a season that last for several months, especially on sports where competitions occur multiple times per week, like Lacrosse, in season training is especially important, even if done 1-2 times per week.

In season training is about maintaining the strength, speed, and power attained during the offseason.

The Misperception

Unfortunately, the common perception of training during the season, especially at the high school level, is that it will be too much for the athlete to handle with the demands of the sport.

However the more appropriate concern should be “How can the athlete maintain what they worked so hard to gain, throughout a 3-5 month long season?”

While being concerned with the physiological and psychological loads of a young athlete does have merit, this becomes less worrisome so long as the strength program is well planned and understood. If it is, not only is the athlete not overwhelmed, but he or she is stronger and more powerful throughout the season, helping to have an edge over competition as well as reducing risk of injury*

*there is bigger potential for injury without in season training as a lack of stimulation for muscles can cause them to shut down faster from fatigue which can lead to pulls, strains, even tendons strains or tears

Training Variables to Consider

Obviously, the structure of inseason training varies from preseason and offseason training by a few ways:

1.) Intensity

2.) Volume

3.) Exercise Selection

4.) Session Duration

The intensity, or resistance used during the season to maximize performance during the season can be reduced up to 60 percent or even more depending on sport, the athlete, and the spread of matches.

The volume, or the amount of reps performed should also be reduced in order maintain strength, without fatiguing the athlete.

Intensity and volume can undulate depending on how much time off and feedback from the athlete. For example, a day or two should be taken off after a game, with a moderate intense session happening the furthest from the match, and a lesser intense one days before.

It is also important to uses exercises that train the prime movers of the sport as they are heavily utilized and need to fire accordingly to stay strong throughout the season.

Session length should also be reasonable so as to not tire the athlete and allow enough time for recovery.


“The longer the competitive phase is, the more important it is to maintain power”

As mentioned earlier, power, speed endurance, and agility are all proportional to strength.

Strength gains can be lost in a matter of weeks if not maintained properly or training completely ceases. If strength decreases, then so do the aforementioned qualities of speed and power which are tantamount during the season.

The saying goes that an athlete does not get stronger or faster playing sport, they get stronger and faster preparing for it.

And to go even deeper, those gains are only maintained through continuous, WELL PLANNED training.

If the goal is superior performance, then essentially it is contradictory to completely cease training during the season, and compromise any gains made previous to the season.

Peak performance means using a proper training strategy to bring out the absolute best in the athlete throughout the entire year.

5 Tips For Elite Athletes Trying to Balance School, Sports, and Training

5 Tips For Elite Athletes Trying to Balance School, Sports, and Training

You are a junior or a senior in high school.

You kept hearing all throughout your freshman and sophomore year that your junior year is supposed to be the most academically challenging year of your high school career.

You are pretty “advanced” in school, and are taking multiple AP classes, on top of a rigorous practice schedule that lasts several hours per day.

Classes are loaded, you have tests and assignments it seems every other week big with assignments due.

As soon as school is done, now it’s time for a practice and the coach expects you to be at the top of your game every single day. You are already beat from school, you may have some great practices, but you have to pull every ounce of your energy to make it happen.

After an hours long practice, now you must go home, and study for a few more hours for that AP exam coming up, keeping you well up past midnight, only getting a few hours of sleep only to repeat the cycle the next day.

You feel burned out.

Sound familiar?

Here are few tips to help you be at your strongest mentally and physically during the process:

1.) Eat Breakfast: For some reason or another, a lot of teenagers forgo breakfast, starting the day already on a depleted energy system. DON’T DO THIS! Your brain is a muscle that requires that energy to be as efficient as possible. On an empty stomach, you are not as mentally sharp. Even if it is something like a yogurt, granola, trail mix, fruit, make sure to eat something before starting the day so you can be sharp for the test, and sustain energy that will last you until your practice

2.) Maximize your Sleep: Yes not every night you will be able to get in bed at a decent time. When you do finally hit the hay, make every hour count. One way to do that is to eliminate screen time at least 30 minutes prior to bed. This way, you won’t stimulate your brain as much, and you can get to sleep faster, AND get into a deeper sleep, which promotes better restorative sleep.

3.) Increase Protein intake: Going to school, learning, test anxiety, stress, practice, working out, all put wear and tear on the body. Your muscles get broken down faster than they are getting built up. A lack of protein in the body will slow down the recovery process. Increasing protein intake through foods, or additional supplementation will aid, even speed up the recovery process. Eat more lean meats, take a high grade, research backed quality protein throughout the days. Specifically, immediately after intense activities like practice and or workouts.

4.) HYDRATE!!! Do not forget to nourish your body with it’s most basic need. Water. You might not feel it throughout the day, but when you are not drinking enough water, muscle performance starts to decrease. In a sense, when you are NOT hydrating, you are dehydrating yourself. This will affect your physical and mental performance. Keep a bottle with you throughout the day and set reminders to drink at set times. Make sure to be replenished before practice and immediately after.

5.) WORKOUT: Even if it is for only 20 minutes, try and get in some form of strength training. Stress from school and practice increases hormonal activities that break down muscle strength. Resistance training will not only slow down the process but MAKE you stronger. This should be a goal especially of you have maintain a high performance for sports as well. Try to make time for it. You will unfortunately feel the effects of NOT doing it once your season hits, and you aren’t able to maintain high performance throughout the season. Make sure to follow a structured system that progressively builds you up rather break you down EVERY time.

Try implementing these 5 strategies in your daily or weekly regimen so that you can maintain peak performance in the classroom, AND on the field without feeling worn down all the time because of a demanding high school schedule. If you would like additional specific advice from me, I’d love to help. Let’s set up a short call here and hop on the phone, and I will answer your questions.