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New Year, New You…But With Specific Goals.

The New Year marks a time for reflection on the past and goal setting for the future. Many of us strive to make this year better than the last. While others around you are making unrealistic and outlandish goals, I want to take the time to set SMART goals. This type of goal allows you to achieve the most success. You might be familiar with the acronym, but it’s worth repeating.

S-  Small

M- Measurable

A- Achievable

R-  Realistic

T-  Time-Oriented

Using this acronym to set goals allows you clarity on whether you are meeting or falling short of your desired outcomes. It is easy to say “I want to lose weight”, but without a SMART goal it is difficult to determine what defines success.

Instead try, “I want to lose 20 pounds in 3 months”. Not only are you able to determine if you have met this goal, you can also think about if this goal is realistic. Losing 1-2 pounds per week in 12 weeks means that with hard work, determination and behavior changes this goal could be achieved. Without including behavior change in goal setting makes it almost impossible to lose weight.

Additionally, try “I want to eliminate soda and fast food from my diet and include 2 vegetables a day for the next 3 months”. A goal like this will likely result in weight loss. Continue to set health goals instead of weight goals and you are likely to see the results you want. Using this technique, you are able to implement changes that have long-term health benefits.

For more help with setting SMART goals, or for setting individual goals that fit your lifestyle email me at

I can’t wait to see and hear about all of your success this year!


