

The Pogo Hop: An Ankle Drill with Massive Impact for Your Speed ! [Video]

When it comes to speed drills, not many people will consider the significance of ankle and foot strength, and the literal impact it has on an athlete’s speed.

In this video, I cover a Pogo hop drill variation that helps to increase the threshold of ankle strength that can directly translate to improved speed, acceleration, and change of direction capabilities.

If you are an athlete looking for more exact drills to immediately implement into your training routine, then check out our Athlete Development Program here and let’s set up a time to chat!

Work hard. Work smart.


The Walk-On Mentality: How True Walk-Ons Show Leadership

The Walk-On Mentality: How True Walk-Ons Show Leadership

Walk-ons of any sport have to play with a chip on their shoulder.

Their roster spot is not guaranteed.

If you ever witness a true walk on training with the rest of their team, what you will see is a player who radiates big effort in everything that they do.

They have no choice.

Because they were not recruited, everyday is a test to prove that they belong there.

Every day is an opportunity to go 200 percent and earn the title of starter.

Every day is an opportunity to show the coach that you deserve a scholarship.

A true walk on is what I call a leader in the rough because the skills and mentality that they develop throughout this process will uncover what they are truly made of.

Their journey is different.

They were not recruited. Every day they are out to prove they more than belong

A true walk on must do double the work of a scholarship athlete just to get a shot.

This gives them an edge. Because during this process, they develop a resilience that some players on scholarship lack and never will have.

Showing up late for a walk on is unacceptable. They have to be the first to arrive, and the last to leave and DEMONSTRATE how badly they want to get better and earn that spot.

Walk-ons find a way to improve every single day, and they move with a sense of urgency.

They want to stay top of mind.

True walk-ons don’t have a sense of entitlement.

They believe they deserve it, but play like they have to earn it.

Being a walk-on is not for everybody, because it requires BIG EFFORT on a daily basis.

It demands patience.

It requires resilience.

It creates a lifelong work ethic.

However, you do not have to be a walk on athlete to adopt this mentality.

Work everyday like you have a point to prove. A spot to earn.

Train like you always have to beat the man in front of you.

Play like you spot is up for grabs.

Be the first to show up.

Be the last to leave.

Move with a sense of urgency and never be satisfied with complacency.

Borrow this mindset in ALL you do and you will be successful in sport and in life.

Think like a Walk-on.

The Scoop on Creatine: Everything You Need to Know to Reap the Benefits

The Scoop on Creatine: Everything You Need to Know to Reap the Benefits

Creatine is one of the most popular supplements taken today to help with packing on size and improving performance.

And for good reason.

Most people however are not too familiar with the specifics of creatine, how to take, and when to take properly. When understood, creatine can be one of the most beneficial supplements  to help  you with performance gains.

Here is a quick breakdown of what creatine is exactly, its benefits, how and when to take it, and who it is the best for:

Creatine: What Is It?

Creatine is a molecule that is produced within the body. It is also found in foods like meat, eggs, and fish.

It is composed of the amino acids L-arginine, glycine, and L-methionine and is present in almost every cell, where it acts as an energy reserve. Approximately 95 percent of the body’s creatine is stored in muscle, mostly in the form of phosphocreatine.

Both creatine and phosphocreatine provide an important energy reserve to replenish adenosine triphosphate (ATP) during high intensity exercise.

How it works?

During exercise that lasts between 5-15 seconds, the muscles rely on phosphocreatine stores to resynthesize ATP. Once these stores become depleted, then the body relies on other forms of metabolism for ATP.

Supplementation with creatine increases stores of phosphocreatine, which allows muscles to work at higher intensities for longer periods of time.

This is beneficial for explosive, high intensity work, and for sports that rely on short or intermittent bursts of movement.

Other benefits include:

  • Immediate improvements on maximum strength and power
  • Faster rate of muscle building
  • Improved anaerobic endurance
  • Improved muscle recovery
  • Has also shown anticatabolic effects (slows muscle breakdown)

How to Take

There are numerous research studies performed on creatine that have shown that it is one of the safest and most effective supplements to take for immediate performance improvement. Though there are multiple types of creatine, creatine monohydrate is the most researched and trusted form by which others are compared to. Powdered creatine monohydrate is your best bet.

Here are the most effective and researched ways to supplement creatine:

  • Consume .3g/kg of bodyweight or .25g/kg of fat free mass for 3-5 days
  • Follow this up by 3-5g/ day
  • Research has shown that creatine uptake is better when taken in combination with protein and carbohydrate
  • during the 3-5g/day loading phase, separate servings throughout the day to 4-5 small servings throughout the day
  • consuming creatine post workout has been shown effective

Though these are general guidelines, always make adjustments based on your personal results, goals, and how you are feeling.

Who is creatine best for?

If you are trying to pack on lean mass, or trying to increase your explosiveness, or even enhance your recovery, then creatine is a good option.

If you have weight gain plateaus, or strength plateaus, then creatine can be a good solution as well.

It is also recommended that if you are new to training or just starting up a resistance training program, then creatine should not be of use just yet.

In conclusion, creatine can be one of the most effective, and safest immediate performance supplements that you can take.

It is already produced within the body, so is not foreign, and proper supplementation will further increase the threshold your of muscle’s potential to produce force, develop power, as well as recover.

If you are looking for a good creatine supplement, we recommend checking out PŪR CREATINE from Willis Performance Labs. It is in a creatine monohydrate in powder form for better and hydrolyzed for better absorption.

Train hard. Train smart.


the whey protein in scoop

4 Reasons Why To Consider BCAAs If You Are a HARDCORE Athlete

If you are in any type of heavy gym or training environment, it is guaranteed at some point you have seen someone pull out some type of BCAA supplement, mix some powder into a shaker with water, and shake like crazy until the water transforms into a protein elixir.

“BCAA’s bro they help you get bulked up!”

But is that all that they do?

Before we dive deeper, if you are unfamiliar what BCAA stands for, it is Branched Chain Amino Acids. These are essential proteins that are NOT produced within the body, but have to come from an outside source like different foods, or a dedicated supplement.

BCAA’s specifically contain the proteins leucine, isoleucine, and valine.

Decades of research have proven that BCAA’s can have a significant impact physique and performance beneficial to athletes.

Here are 4 ways BCAAs can help

1.) BCAAs have been shown to be powerful agents in protein synthesis aka muscle building

2.) BCAAs have also been shown to play a key role in slowing catabolism, or muscle breakdown.

3.) Because BCAAs are oxidized in the actual muscle for fuel, they can be used as fuel DURING exercise.

4.) BCAAs have been shown to mitigate the immune suppression response that results from training. Since the immune system is temporarily broken down after heavy bouts of training or intense competition, BCAAs help to keep it strong.

As with ANY supplementation, they should ALL be used in conjunction with a solid diet.

So if you find yourself in the mix of your competitive or off season, your body is constantly sore and you feel exhausted for longer than you should, then a simple BCAA supplementation could help.

And with so many supplement choices on the market, we want to help make the selection process easy for you! WILLIS PERFORMANCE LABS offers BCAA Shock Fuel, a high quality product with not only BCAA’s,  but L-glutamine and Vitamin B6 to increase its potency.

Check out the Lab store here.


4 Keys to Unlocking Maximum Fitness Results for the Novice

4 Keys to Unlocking Maximum Fitness Results for the Novice

People tend to make getting in shape over complicated.

It does not have to be.

Here are 4 things to keep in mind as you continue your fitness journey:

1.) Set A goal

Essentially, work towards something. And make sure that something is realistic but challenging. It is easier to become discouraged and get lost if you do not have a concrete goal that you are working towards. You just have to make a plan and stick with it. There are really no tricks to it.

2.) Be Consistent

Make the decision that no matter what, you will put in the consistent actions. Most people struggle getting the results because they lack the consistency. When you think about it, hitting your goals comes down to your daily habits. Therefore, if you are in the daily habit of getting in your exercise, and making good nutritional choices, then you are consistent.

It’s not just about what you do, but how much you do it.

3.) Make it convenient

Sure, you can sign up for a monthly membership gym, but is it out of the way for you? Does it take just as much energy to get there?

If so, then these things can demotivate you from be as consistent as you want to be. You want to create conditions that will make it easier for you to succeed. Chances are, if it is inconvenient for you to do, then you won’t be as motivated to do it.

If you are not willing to join a gym right now because of the pandemic, then create a “station” at home and designate a space for you to get your workouts done.

Make it convenient

4.) Stick with the diet fundamentals

Here is where most get hung up. Dieting.

Should you eat a low carb diet? Should you be counting macros and every single calorie? Should you do intermittent fasting?

This goes back to the convenience aspect. Is this going to create more unnecessary work that you are already NOT used to doing that will overload you?

If you were already careless about how you ate, is it realistic to suddenly grab a food scale and weigh your foods daily?

If you can, great!! Go for it. But if not, no need to push the envelope.

Doing the simple things like drinking a gallon of water per day, aiming for 7-8 hours of sleep per night (the hardest for most), eating more whole foods, and aiming for 30-60 minutes of exercise at least three days per week is all you really need to do.

How about just eating more mindfully and distraction free?

That alone is a powerful system to start with. And when done consistently, will not only help with your fitness goals, but will be life changing.

Hopefully knowing these 4 things will help you as you begin or continue your journey.

Let us know in the comments below which of these you struggle with the most


By the way, if you have tried to do these things and maybe have struggled with the accountability aspect, and have found yourself thinking “I know what I need to do, but I think I need more accountability from someone else!” then let’s set up a complimentary Success Phone call where we can strategize.

Schedule your call here and let’s see how we can help you.

A Great Core Exercise to Add to Your Workout

A Great Core Exercise to Add to Your Workout

If you have a few spare Kettlebells laying around, or you have access to them at your local gym, look in to adding this exercise to your routine to help shred and strengthen your core.

And if you are feeling lost in your gym and don’t know where to start to get the results you want, our Virtual Fitness Development program may be a good solution for you. Contact us here to set up a Success Call to get started.



8 months ago we began a plan to start engineering our very own supplement line.

We didn’t just want to create a basic line that had no integrity, or quality product behind it, but a product that was certified, high quality, well researched and studied, and most importantly delivered results to people who needed it the most.

Out comes Willis Performance Labs; a company devoted to helping to engineer better athletes.

From the highest quality whey, to soothing CBD cream, we have taken a major step and partnered with a manufacturer to create our own brand supplements, solidifying Willis Performance as one of the only training businesses with it’s very own brand of supplements in the region.

As we are finalizing the lasts parts of the process before we actually go live, below is a sneak peak into the WPT Labs vault and what is to come.


Success Is No Accident: Being Intentional About What You Want

Success Is No Accident: Being Intentional About What You Want

Mechanical or Electrical: Using RPR to Awaken Your Glute

Mechanical or Electrical: Using RPR to Awaken Your Glute

When you hear of exercises to activate the glute, you often think of doing monster band walks, hip bridges, clams, or something related. Surely if you have been to your local PT office, they probably have had you doing something along these lines.

While each of those exercise serve their role, occasionally they may not address the root cause of glute-malfunction.

In this video snippet, I walk you through how you can truly awaken your glutes not on a muscular level, but mechanical using RPR technique.

Brace yourself.

And If you are looking for ways to effectively implement techniques like this into your training program whether from home, or your gym, let’s schedule a call here and see how I can help.

How Covid-19 Will Forever Change the Training Industry

How Covid-19 Will Forever Change the Training Industry

My brother and I were having a conversation the other week and he asked me how I thought this pandemic would change the training landscape in the future.

I outlined a few things and would like to hear your opinion on my thoughts.

1.) Whether the shelter in place is lifted or not, things won’t be “back to normal” well in to next year. Until there is a for sure vaccine I just don’t see it happening.

This doesn’t mean gyms would forever be shutdown or limited on hours, but I think it will effect people’s attitudes towards being in overcrowded spaces.

2.) Big box gyms like LA Fitness and Lifetime fitness may see a drop in overall memberships until a vaccine is created.

Again, I think the whole pandemic will have a psychological effect on people, rightfully so. Being in a gym during peak hours, it’s almost impossible to eliminate exposure to anything.

They will most likely find ways to virtually serve members and will have to find ways to add value as opposed to just people paying monthly for access to machines.

3.) Smaller, relationship based training businesses could fair well because they are smaller, don’t have as much foot traffic, and are coaching based with micro communities.

However, even they will need to increase the value exchange if they want to thrive long-term.

4.) There will definitely be a virtual shift as this past month and a half has proven.

Trainers will either offer virtual sessions or have virtual options in conjunction with in person services. More and more trainers will start doing this, but will need to be smart and have true systems in place in order to survive long-term.

5.) Bootcamp based gyms will take a hit. Overcrowded sweatboxes are the lasts place the majority of people will want to be.

You may even see a few of them close because they were unable to pivot.

6.) Even though there will be more places offering “Virtual Training” they will have initial success, but in order to really have a good long term business, gyms will have to offer more than just “workouts”.They will need to find ways to add value and service in addition.

The reason why is it will be easier and easier for people to find workouts online.

Google, Instagram trainers, what your friend thinks, it will water down the value of workouts delivered from qualified coaches.

So to really offset this, rather than just providing a zoom link , or a video workout, gyms will have to get creative in additional services because these will be so common

7.) I think that more people will eventually be more in tune with their health than ever after this pandemic. One of the takeaways apparently was that people with pre existing conditions were at more risk of succumbing to Covid.

Specifically, people who were overweight, less active, who had high blood pressure, or diabetes were at high risk.

The fortunate thing about this realization is that with proper eating and exercise, these conditions can be controlled and or reversed.

Maybe people will become more conscientious of their overall health, and with a vaccine not yet created, will take the necessary steps to improving their health and be less vulnerable to Covid’s negative effects.

8.) High School training programs will need to adapt and add virtual or remote solutions as well. While a small few have, all others will need to.

This is especially important for competitive athletes. Coaches will need to find ways to deliver effective programming that will keep athlete not only active, but accountable, and injury free when they return from periods like this.

After seeing a handful of “training” programs assigned to kids, they are very basic and rudimentary. They will not be enough to keep high performers performing at high levels.

Push up and burpee packets wont cut it.

So coaches and schools will need to implement thorough solutions to deliver appropriate and calculated programming.

9.) With the fitness landscape being so saturated with fitness “experts” there may be more use of Online training certifications to begin separating the nonsense from the legitimate.

Again, it’s not hard for someone to deliver workouts virtually. Being certified will show that a trainer is vested in their craft and wants a long-term business that will help people.

10.) Gyms will be cleaner than they have ever been. People will want reassurance that their workout spaces are cleaned relentlessly and are as clean as possible.

Anyway, these are my 2 cents.

What are your thoughts?
